news — Hundepflege

Mein Fellfreund dankt es mir – Ein ehrlicher Testbericht über das Baviette Micronimal 982 Fellspray

My fur friend thanks me - an honest test report about the Baviette Micronimal 982 fur spray

As the proud owner of a magnificent Saint Bernard named Einstein, I know how challenging grooming a pet can be. I tried my luck with various grooming products, but sometimes it seemed as if Einstein's shiny coat magically disappeared as soon as the chemicals came into play. That wasn't what I wanted. That's why I'm always looking for natural and environmentally friendly alternatives. I recently came across the Baviette Micronimal 982 fur spray. After numerous customer reviews that spoke of shiny fur and ease of use, I decided to give the spray a try. This is what my experience looks...

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